Find Permanent & Contract roles
Nurse24™ is a simple platform that directly connects pre-vetted nurses with employers looking to hire permanent team members.
How it Works
1.Create Your Profile
Create your profile, upload your CV and showcase your skills, experience & desired pay rate
2 Profile Verification
A nurse adviser will verify your profile. Once approved, employers can view your profile.
3. Interview Requests
Let employers reach out & send you interview requests. Connect & send direct messages.
Book Your Interview
Discuss the role via the platform messaging system. Book your interview & get hired!
Let employers reach out to you
Employers will send you direct interview requests. View job details & employer profile. Respond to interview requests from employers you like. Book an in-person or Zoom interview via the platform & get hired.
Get paid what you deserve
Nurselink empowers you to land the job and pay you prefer. Create your profile and set your desired salary/pay rate. Connect with nursing employers offering the pay you want.
Connect directly with Employers
Build a great nursing team faster than ever. Nurselink connects you directly with skilled nursing candidates.